Quillin Weaving

A blog about spinning, dyeing and fiber related things.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A red letter day in the small conservative town I live in. I was able to get in and out of Walmart without using any of their plastic bags. OK, for those of you who live in a liberal world where most people take their own bags to the grocery store you might be thinking that we are still back there with segregated schooling. You would be not far from right. This past week our local Albertsons offered (grudgingly) for sale reusable grocery bags. They cost a dollar. On the same day I went into GNC and there, on the counter was another bag for sale. Recycling has hit my hometown, now if they would just consider recycling plastic, paper and glass. You have to take what you can get. Today I made my pilgrimage to Walmart and took my two bags. I stopped at the door to get the obligatory blue spot so that they would KNOW my bags were not stolen or smuggled in, but were there legitimately. For the first time in my life I was able to get out of that store without a horde of those awful plastic bags that do nothing but multiply under the sink and line the roadsides. A small victory, but one I will gladly take.

On to weaving and other fiber related projects. This weekend I worked on this small green silk purse. It was one of those clearance items at Hobby Lobby, originally $14 something marked down to $2.40. It had the leafy pattern printed and you just embroider on top and you are done. Well, of course it needed some beads and a bobble of Bali Silver but it is coming along nicely.

On the eight harness loom I'm working on a shawl that will be different shades of blue. To add some interest I'm putting in a couple of panels of Leno and some Danish Medallions. Leno is a hand manipulated mock-lace and this bit has some beads added in for good measure. Can you ever have enough beads in the world?? The Danish Medallions are going to be three rows in this area and another row later on for visual interest.

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