Quillin Weaving

A blog about spinning, dyeing and fiber related things.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Today would have been my mother's 67th birthday. Although not a weaver she had great love of fiber and yarn. When she died we found a great stash of yarn that she had clearly intended to turn into useful and beautiful things. Perhaps because of her the yarn section is always my first stop in any store that carries it. Her idea of entertainment on a Friday night was to peruse the yarn section of Walmart after eating at Furrs with my dad. She did not live to see Hobby Lobby with its large selection and I doubt she ever made it to a knitting/yarn store like the ones popping up all over now. I often wonder what she would think of all this. I like to think she would be proud of my own stash of yarns for weaving even though they are on cones instead of skeins as she was used to. So today as I weave I will think of her and thank her for my early love of fiber and color. If your mother is still with you be sure to give her a hug for me.

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